At least 100 Cubans remain hospitalized due to lack of pacemakers

The NGO mediCuba-Europe presented a fundraising campaign to send between 300 and 400 pacemakers to the Caribbean island.

Reconocimiento a paciente hospitalizada en Cuba (imagen de referencia) © Escambray
Recognition of a patient hospitalized in Cuba (reference image) Photo © Escambray

At least 100 Cubans remain in hospitals due to lack of pacemakers while another 1,500 need the device, he revealed this Tuesday mediCuba-Europe, a network of Associations and Non-Governmental Development Organizations.

The NGO, related to the regime, published in Facebook that “the majority of pacemaker manufacturers refuse to market and send them to Cuba,” arguing that They have identified an Italian company willing to sell the single-chamber device for a price close to 500 euros, without mentioning exactly which company it is.

Capture of Facebook / mediCuba-Europe

The group pointed out that, together with an “American solidarity group,” they intend to acquire and send between 300 and 400 pacemakers in the coming weeks.

With this objective, they promote a fundraising campaign to finance the purchase of the medical device.

With a donation of 500 euros to mediCuba-Europe, you will be able to guarantee the purchase of a pacemaker for a Cuban patient in need.”, he stressed in the publication.

Based in Switzerland, mediCuba-Europe is made up of members from thirteen European States (Germany, Sweden, Italy, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Finland, Norway, Spain and Austria), as well as associated institutions from three other countries, the United Kingdom United Kingdom, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Last February, A Cuban mother got a pacemaker after asking for help on social networks, due to the government's inability to provide the vital device.

"I can't find precise words of gratitude, nor any that explain the mixture of love and hope that I feel. I just want to tell you that it's a fact, I will have my pacemaker," he announced on his profile. Facebook Isaili Rivero, from Pinar del Río.

Another person in Pinar del Río, also in need of the same device, found himself between a rock and a hard place when the regime, unable to provide him with one, denied the possibility of it being imported.

Professor Alexis Machín Frontela, a resident of the municipality of Viñales, had a friend willing to take a pacemaker to his house, but the government reported that it could not be imported by a natural person.

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