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Firefighters contain fire in a home in Santiago de Cuba

The accident occurred on fourth street in the Sueño neighborhood, between D and E.


Firefighters from Command 1 of the province of Santiago de Cuba managed to contain a fire in a home in the Sueño neighborhood of the capital city, which occurred this Tuesday.

In a publication inFacebook, communicator Yosmany Mayeta reported thatThe details of the incident, which affected a house located on Fourth Street, between D and E, were unknown, and whether anyone was injured.

Captura de Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta

However, the flames were originated “presumably by a gas cylinder"Mayeta pointed out.

A person who responds to the name of Yisrl Ramirez commented that: “I was present and the fire department was called several times.”, emphasizing that there were delays in the arrival of the body in charge of putting out the flames.

Last Wednesday,a fire occurred on Gasómetro Street, between 8 and 10, also in the city of Santiago de Cuba.

On April 10,It was also reported that several homes were consumed by flames.

Most of them were wooden houses in poor habitable conditions, located in the La Risueña neighborhood, in the city of Santiago de Cuba.

No loss of life was reported, although a handful of families lost all their belongings in the incident, which occurred exactly on 2nd Street #280.

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