Eduardo Antonio shares a photo with his manager and husband: "The men who lead my career."

In addition to her producer, her husband is her most unwavering and reliable support.

  • Entertainment

Eduardo Antonio junto a Omar Romero y Roy García © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio
Eduardo Antonio with Omar Romero and Roy GarcíaPhoto © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio

With an image where the three pose looking at the camera, Eduardo Antonio boasted about his evening with his manager, Omar Homero, and his producer and husband, Roy García, whom he described as "the men who run my career."

The picture, in which we see the Diva 'escorted' by such important people in her life, and which has caused hundreds of reactions on the internet, comes shortly after the artist delighted her fans with a romantic photo from the pool with her husband, taken amid their couple's vacation, following "a weekend full of wonderful energies."

And precisely, she later showed some of what happened that weekend by posting a video of part of the Mother's Day celebration on her Sunday show.

In the short video clip, we see him getting excited on stage as he sings to the mothers, including his own, Olguita, who is in Placetas.

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