Maydy la Grande announces upcoming release: "I know you're going to love it"

The song is titled "Nothing Hurts Forever".

  • Deneb González

Maydy La Grande is preparing a new musical release that will be a complete surprise for her loyal followers.

The Cuban singer shared the news with her followers on Instagram, but without revealing a snippet of the song to generate much more anticipation.

"´Nothing hurts forever´. Coming Soon. What music genre does the name of the song remind you of? I'm all ears. It's cooking, very strong, I know you're going to love it," the artist wrote in one of her posts.

The Miami post included some photos without the background song that appear to correspond to the music video of the song.

Just a few days ago, after her Mother's Day concert, the singer thanked her audience for their love during the performance.

"Very dear for so much affection, you all are the best. I love you and it's from the heart," were the words of thanks she dedicated to all her fans.

What do you think?


Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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