The origin of the fever cases in Santiago de Cuba continues to be undetermined.

The virus seems to spread like the common flu.

Authorities in Santiago de Cuba acknowledged on Wednesday that they are still unable to determine the origin of the fever cases reported in recent days in that territory.

According to a report from Turquino TeVe channel, at the beginning of May, a virus with symptoms similar to those of the common flu appeared in Songo-La Maya. It has spread throughout the entire province, and health authorities are investigating it.

They claim that the first samples have already been sent to the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine, but there are still no responses.

The virus causes high fever, headache, eye or back pain, and in some cases vomiting and diarrhea, symptoms similar to those of dengue.

The virus seems to spread like the common flu, the information points out.

On the eve, the governor of Santiago de Cuba, Manuel Falcón Hernández, emphasized the need to take extreme care in the face of the appearance of febrile syndromes in the population.

The Provincial Health Department published an informative note on Monday in which it acknowledged an increase in reports of patients with nonspecific febrile syndromes.

He pointed out that so far eight patients have been admitted, who show a favorable evolution "with resolution of the clinical picture between the fourth and fifth day of the illness," and no cases have been reported as severe.

"According to the evolution and epidemiological pattern, it corresponds to a disease of viral etiology," the statement indicated.

Although the Provincial Health Department in Santiago de Cuba only mentioned the eight patients admitted, the Santiago communicator Yosmany Mayeta recently alerted about the outbreak of a viral disease, indicating that at least 20 people were admitted.

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