Although the road was tough, I achieved what I wanted so much: Oniel Bebeshito's wife talks about their first days in Miami.

Imagine after going through so much trouble to get to this country and then feeling so bad, with a very high fever," he said through the stories where he explained the reasons for being a little absent from the platforms.

A few days after arriving in Miami with her eldest son, Rachel Arderi, wife of reggaeton artist Oniel Bebeshito, updated her followers on social media about how these first days in the City of the Sun had been and explained why she had been a bit distant from the platforms.

After recounting that she had been immersed in paperwork that day because "everyone in this country, including newcomers, knows that there is quite a lot to do here," she went on to talk about how she had spent these days and revealed some health issues she had faced.

I got a rash all over my body, right now they see me with my hair down in front so that it's not as noticeable, I am completely unfiltered because I wanted to show you. I have a rash all over my body," she detailed in her video message, where she also added that she needed to redo tests to see if she no longer had anemia and take good care because she was already in the sixth month of pregnancy.

Imagine after going through so much trouble to arrive in this country and then feeling so unwell, very high fever, couldn't sleep, very thin," she added in her extensive broadcast where she never stopped happily acknowledging all the care from her mom.

Regarding how he had arrived in the United States, a recurring question among his followers, he announced that he would talk more about that on a Youtube channel he wanted to open, although he warned that he would not disclose details of his private life.

Without ceasing to be thankful for being able to be with her parents as she wished and for her daughter to be born in the United States, the young woman confessed on her social media in the videos where, in order to maintain transparency, she emphasized that not everything is as rosy as portrayed on social media.

"I thank God for being here, for being with my parents which was what I wanted so much, and for having the girl I have in my womb in this country, because where I was before is not the best, you know, what I don't like to talk about this on social media," she said in that sense.

"I am very happy to be here, even though the journey was hard, it was laborious, I achieved what I wanted so much, now moving forward," he reiterated in over eight minutes of conversation.

Nobody says it's easy at the beginning, but well, everything can be done in this life, and then with God's favor, I am doing quite well. The days are passing, and I am solving the most pressing problems," she celebrated with optimism.

While the young woman is making her way in Miami, focusing on taking great care of herself for the third trimester of pregnancy and leaving behind the health problems she has recently experienced, her partner, Oniel Bebeshito, continues to succeed on his first tour in Europe and celebrates the unstoppable success of his songs.

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