Tropical Chick wins applause after showing herself without complexes: "Don't let alopecia take away my smile."

The followers of the Cuban YouTuber have rallied to support him and send him their love.

Pollito Tropical © Instagram / Pollito Tropical
Tropical ChickPhoto © Instagram / Pollito Tropical

Randy Álvarez, better known as Pollito Tropical, received the support of hundreds of followers by showing his alopecia without any complexes.

The famous YouTuber and influencer, who has a community of followers of almost 3 million users only on Instagram, posted two photos on his social media wall. In the first one, he appears with shaved hair, and in the second one, he is being shaved by his husband in front of a mirror.

"May alopecia not take away my smile," wrote the Cuban youtuber, who has shown himself this natural to his millions of followers, who have embraced him and dedicated all kinds of loving comments and compliments for his beauty.

"The bald will dominate the world," "Your smile makes many people happy," "Your beauty is not in your hair, it's in your style. I know it's not easy to lose one of the basic concepts of aesthetics like hair, but those with style have it even when dressed in basic clothes," "Many people with long hair would kill for your features," "With respect... you are beautiful no matter what," or "Your essence is what you should not change, that is what matters. Blessings," are some of the messages sent to Pollito Tropical, who has won the love of his community by showing himself natural and spontaneous to them. This post is yet another proof.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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