Santiago de Cuba's Civil Registry collapsed: Only 30 identity cards are processed per day.

Out of the 30 cards, five are distributed for each service, and there is no hope of collecting more during the day.

Colas en la Oficina del Registro Civil de Santiago de Cuba © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Lines at the Civil Registry Office of Santiago de CubaPhoto © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Great indignation and annoyance are felt by the population of Santiago de Cuba when attempting to carry out any procedure at the Civil Registry Office, as they are forced to stand in long lines since dawn without the guarantee of being able to obtain the required service.

Journalist Yosmany Mayeta explained on Facebook that the mentioned institution, located on San Francisco street, only collects 30 IDs per day, distributed as five for each service, even before opening its doors.

Facebook capture / Yosmany Mayeta

"If you are number six to obtain a birth certificate, correction of errors, death certificate, etc., tomorrow you will have to wake up earlier to be among the first five people in the procedure you intend to carry out," stated the communicator, denouncing the bureaucratism that exists in that institution in Santiago.

"If you get sidetracked, you'll spend an entire year waiting in line to get a document at the civil registry," Mayeta pointed out, suggesting that many people involved in the process of obtaining Spanish citizenship have had to resort to bribes as the only way to expedite the process at the registry offices.

Finally, it was reported that after collecting the 30 identity cards, "they do not promise to collect more for the rest of the day," once again highlighting the difficulties faced by people who need some service from this institution.

The chaotic situation presented by the Civil Registry of Santiago de Cuba is not new.

In June, a video circulated on social media showing a tumultuous line at that institution.

The images reflected the desperation and suffering of the people who gathered at the location under the intense sun, seeking to carry out essential procedures for civil life.

"A desperate people, hungry and under the sun," is heard saying one of the citizens in the video, capturing the widespread anguish of those present.

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