Cuban YouTuber Dina Stars announces that she will undergo breast augmentation and promises to document the entire process.

In January of last year, a lipotransfer was performed.

The popular Cuban YouTuber Dina Stars surprised her followers with the announcement that she will undergo a new cosmetic surgery.

In a recent video shared on Instagram, she revealed that she would be getting breast augmentation, a decision she made after deep reflection.

The influencer, who has been living in Spain since 2022 and who returned to the island for a visit last March, expressed that once again her followers will witness a significant change in her life.

"I'm going to have surgery again," she commented at the beginning of her video, in which she promised to show every stage of the procedure, from the medical consultations to the actual day of the surgery. "A series of videos about my breast enhancement is coming that I'm sure will clarify many doubts," she added.

Following her announcement, Dina Stars, who has over 249,000 followers on Instagram, has received varied reactions from her community. Some showed their unconditional support, with comments such as: "It scares me but I have faith you'll look beautiful"; "Do what makes you happy my girl, congratulations Dina"; "Congratulations beautiful, how happy"; "Beautiful, I saw you today at the clinic"; "Oh so cute"; "Congratulations on that body, it's divine"; "I knew it, this day was bound to come, good vibes"; "That's great, Dina, you look beautiful"; "You're definitely going to look amazing"; "Where is the pants from, it's beautiful"; "So exciting, good luck, we will watch all the videos"; "Do what makes you happy, if I had the same opportunity, I would do it without caring about what people think."

However, there were those who expressed their concern about the risks associated with this type of procedure or questioned the decision itself: "What's the need to spend your life having implants changed every 8 or 10 years, in addition to how toxic they can be for the body"; "You don't want people to talk about people's bodies... and then you advocate for surgery, for them not to accept their bodies and to go into an operating room"; "You look beautiful with your current breasts, why undergo surgery? No"; "Don't do it, I envy each one of those who have a small bust, it doesn't bother or cause pain, stay like that"; "This becomes an addiction, be careful," they commented.

It is worth remembering that in January of last year, Dina Stars had already undergone surgery for a lipotransfer, a process she also shared on her social media.

With this new surgery on the horizon, the Cuban promises to keep her community informed and show all the details of the process, which has generated both expectations and debates among her followers.

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