Government will sell equipment, mattresses, and furniture to newlyweds in Camagüey.

The initiative, launched by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, is designed to benefit couples who get married in July 2024.

Productos en tienda de Camagüey © Adelante
Products in the Camagüey storePhoto © Adelante

The government of Camagüey announced this Tuesday a new measure to support newly married couples under the age of 30 through the sale of equipment, mattresses, and furniture at affordable prices.

According to the weekly Adelante, the initiative, launched by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, is designed to benefit couples who got married in July 2024.

Starting from Monday, August 26, newlyweds will be able to submit their applications at the departments designated for this purpose. To access this offer, they must present the marriage certificate issued by the Provincial Directorate of Justice (DPJ) along with their identification documents.

Sales will take place in two specific units: Tropicana Moda, managed by the Base Business Unit (UEB) La Gran Antilla, for residents of the municipal capital, and Orbe, belonging to UEB La Vajilla, for those in other locations in the province. Both units are located on Maceo street, one of the busiest and most central areas of Camagüey.

Elaine Porro Izquierdo, senior specialist of the Business Group of Commerce, detailed that newlyweds will be able to acquire a variety of products, including trousseaus, garments, appliances, mattresses, and furniture, among others. The prices of these items will be differentiated and lower compared to those currently available in the state market.

In addition, Porro Izquierdo announced that they are working on other high-demand products to enrich the available offering and make it even more attractive for newlyweds.

This measure follows a previous project that offered food products to teenagers who turned 15 in July, at affordable prices. The new initiative seeks to provide additional support to young people at a crucial stage in their lives, facilitating access to essential goods for the home.

In 2020, it was reported that divorce was showing an upward trend on the island, where the most common aspect of this issue is the economic factor, according to a report from the official press.

According to an article from the provincial media 5 de Septiembre, there are about 600 divorces in the city of Cienfuegos in that year, primarily initiated by women, and it is prevalent among couples who have been married for many years.

In 2019, Cuba ranked third in the list of countries in the world with the highest divorce rates, only surpassed by Kazakhstan and Russia, according to research published by sociologists Cheng-Tong Lir Wang and Evan Schofer from the University of California in the academic journal Social Forces.

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