Cuban in the USA criticizes lack of support for newcomers in their first job: "Sometimes they are people from your own country."

Cuban laments the lack of empathy among Latinos in the United States at work.

A Cuban in the United States has sparked a debate after sharing a reflection on TikTok about the difficulties many immigrants face upon arrival, especially in their first jobs. In his video, the young man who identifies as @jc.santac questions the lack of support among compatriots, narrating his personal experience in starting his first job abroad.

"Explain to me what the need is to mistreat a newcomer who says they don't know how to do anything. It's like being born again. You don't know how to speak English or how machines work," they comment in the video. According to their testimony, newcomers face a tough adaptation process, learning new things they have never seen in their lives. On top of this, there is the mistreatment they sometimes receive from people who have gone through the same experiences as them.

"You realize that you enter a job and they treat you poorly, make you feel inferior, and sometimes they are people from your own country," she laments. In her criticism, she points out that these same people should be the ones to offer support and patience, as they know firsthand the difficulties that newcomers face. In contrast, she comments that she has received more help and guidance from Americans who do not speak Spanish.

"What need is there to treat your own people so badly? Support them, teach them, and you realize that they don't have patience. An American comes who doesn't know Spanish and that person teaches you everything," he says.

The video has generated many responses and comments from other migrants, who share their own experiences of discrimination or support abroad. "But remember that there are also some who think they know everything and don’t want help, I tell you from experience where I work," "As the saying goes, there’s no worse splinter than the one from the same wood," "There is no longer empathy, feelings and brotherhood are gone," "Correct words and the truest I have heard, I recently came with my husband from Cuba and we are looking for work and they look at us like weird bugs, very hard," "It’s true, they should help others move forward, many people are like that," are some of the reactions to this Cuban's video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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