Cuban feminist platform denounces the publication of false news about femicides on social media

YoSíTeCreo in Cuba warns about the spread of false news related to femicides, calling for responsibility on social media.

Carro de Criminalística (Imagen de Referencia) © CiberCuba
Forensic Vehicle (Reference Image)Photo © CiberCuba

The platform YoSíTeCreo in Cuba denounced the publication by individuals it described as "unscrupulous or with a disinforming agenda" regarding the murder of a woman last weekend in Matanzas.

"This is not the first time that the observatories face 'fake news', which have also been reported in cases of the disappearance of women, girls, and boys," they explain in their statement shared on the social network Facebook.

Facebook Capture/YoSíTeCreo in Cuba

However, they report that this time was the first time that the person who was declared dead responded to deny the information that was circulating.

"Given the seriousness of the matter, we remind that the observatories (Alas Tensas) OGAT and YSTCC are governed by a proven methodology used in observatories around the world, to avoid falling into manipulations and even very distasteful jokes regarding such a sensitive issue as femicides and the disappearances of women, girls, boys, and adolescents," they clarify.

They also stated that as of today, they are monitoring several cases, "some of which have been in that category for up to three months due to the lack of all necessary elements."

They reported that, due to a lack of evidence, an investigation in the province of Matanzas has been dropped, but they continue to work on a case in Las Tunas, Camagüey, Guantánamo, and Matanzas, respectively.

"The objective of the observatories is to record feminicide violence in our country, in pursuit of the prevention and systematization of a problem that requires an urgent comprehensive approach," they reaffirmed in a context where the typification of feminicide is not recognized by the Cuban government.

Capture from Facebook/YoSíTeCreo in Cuba

Hidden behind semantic arguments, the communist totalitarianism prevailing in Cuba evades discussing gender-based violence with the terminology used and accepted internationally by all countries that recognize the existence of this scourge and fight against it.

On the subject, the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel has justified it as a construction of what he calls "anti-Cuban subversive platforms," whom he accuses of "imposing the narrative that there is femicide in Cuba, a term that indicates supposed state inaction in the face of violent acts based on gender."

So far in September, several cases of this kind have been reported, in which women, especially mothers, have lost their lives.

In the middle of the month was that of the young Arianni Céspedes (January 7, 1989), who was murdered by her ex-partner in her home in the Alejo neighborhood, in the town of Aguacate, Palma Soriano municipality, in Santiago de Cuba.

Or that of Annelis Hernández Puerto, 47 years old, who was killed by her partner on September 19, at her home in the municipality of Florida, in Camagüey.

There was also the case of a Cuban resident in the town of Campo Florido, in the municipality of Habana del Este, who was attacked with a machete by a man and is in critical condition.

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