Child rescued by helicopter in Baracoa after Hurricane Oscar showing favorable progress.

Yodelmis "is stable, awake, alert, oriented, and eating," according to reports from Cuban health authorities.

El menor en el hospital e imágenes del rescate © Facebook / Primada Visión
The minor in the hospital and images of the rescue.Photo © Facebook / Primada Visión

Yodelmis Furones Matos, the 6-year-old boy who suffered a head injury due to a tree falling on the roof of his home during Hurricane Oscar, is recovering well after the helicopter rescue that brought him to receive medical attention.

This was reported on their social media by Primada Visión, the official television station of Guantánamo, celebrating the recovery of the child after undergoing surgery at the 'Dr. Antonio María Béguez César Santiago de Cuba' Children's Hospital.

Facebook Screenshot / Primada Visión

"Now extubated and with evident progress, the little boy from Guantanamo, Yodelmis Furones Matos, who is six years old, remains in the Intensive Care Unit," the state media indicated in their publication.

According to statements made by Dr. Zaida María León Castellanos, the surgical deputy director of the institution, Yodelmis is "stable, awake, conscious, oriented, and feeding."

"So far, there are no neurological or clinical complications," the specialist added. The previous report, provided on Thursday by Jesús Cabrera, the director of the Santiago hospital, indicated that the child had been on mechanical ventilation since the surgical intervention performed on October 22.

Initially reported in critical condition, Yodelmis was transported by a helicopter from the Cuban Air Force with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, who accompanied him from the Octavio Concepción y de la Pedraja Hospital in Baracoa to the South Pediatric Hospital in Santiago de Cuba.

With the La Farola viaduct cut off by falling rocks and practically disconnected from land access, Baracoa experienced an emergency situation following Hurricane Oscar, which severed its connection to the provincial capital. This complicated the transfer of Yodelmis to a medical facility where she could receive first aid.

Oscar's passage, complicated by the total collapse of the national electric power system that occurred before his arrival on national territory, left devastation in the area along with various stories of rescues of the injured and affected.

This is the case of a 12-year-old Cuban boy, identified as Daniel González Hernández, who was rescued from the heavy flooding caused by Oscar in the municipality of San Antonio del Sur in Guantanamo.

The teenager was admitted to the Pedro Agustín Pérez Provincial Pediatric Hospital in Guantánamo following his rescue by members of the Municipal Defense Council.

A resident of Macambo, the minor sustained a serious injury to his left leg and successfully underwent a necrosectomy, a medical procedure necessary to remove dead tissue and prevent infections that could lead to permanent deformities.

In addition to countless material damages and affected individuals, the passage of Oscar resulted in at least seven fatalities, according to authorities. However, on social media, there are many testimonies from victims and their families suggesting that the actual numbers could be even higher.

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