Influencer Flor de Cuba is moving to live in the United States

Flor de Cuba has decided to live in the United States to provide a better future for her children, even though they are still in Cuba. She explains her decision to her followers.

After three trips to the United States, the decision has been made: Flor de Cuba has chosen to reside permanently in American soil.

Although the influencer had stated on several occasions that she did not plan to leave Cuba permanently, it seems she changed her mind and explained to her followers the reasons behind her decision.

"I decided to stay and live in the United States, at least that's what I think today. Yes, because my life takes many twists and turns and everything can change from one day to the next," Flor said in a video she shared on her Instagram.

"Many of the questions I get are whether I bought a house in the United States and where my children are. The answer to the first question is no. I haven't bought a house in the United States; thank God I have family who supports me, takes care of me, and provides me with the necessary tools to get ahead in this country, such as having a place to live,” the influencer clarified.

Regarding her children, Flor added: "My children are in Cuba with their grandparents, and I want to clarify something because you are part of my story, and you have witnessed my entire evolution and all my journeys."

"Honestly, I am happy in Cuba and I lack nothing; with the money I earn, I can support myself perfectly and live well on the island. However, when you have children, it’s no longer just about you, but about them," Flor reflected, explaining that the main reason for staying is to provide better opportunities for her children in the future.

"Many mothers leave their children behind in Cuba to later bring them to the United States and offer them a better education," she explained, echoing this mindset.

Frequently Asked Questions about Flor de Cuba's Decision to Stay in the United States

Why did Flor de Cuba decide to stay in the United States?

Flor de Cuba decided to stay in the United States mainly to offer better opportunities for her children in the future. Although she initially did not plan to move permanently, the influencer reconsidered when she thought about the growth and education prospects for her family.

Where are Flor de Cuba's children while she is in the United States?

The children of Flor de Cuba are in Cuba with their grandparents. The influencer has explained that, although she is in the United States, her children are one of her top priorities, and her decision to stay is aimed at providing them with a better future.

Did Flor de Cuba buy a house in the United States?

No, Flor de Cuba has not purchased a house in the United States. Currently, she has the support of her family in the country, who are providing her with a place to live while she settles in and faces new challenges.

What visa does Flor de Cuba have to be in the United States?

Flor de Cuba holds a tourist visa valid for five years. This visa allows her to travel to the United States with the freedom of entering and leaving the country, facilitating her stay and the development of her career as an influencer.

How does Flor de Cuba respond to criticism regarding its stay in the United States?

Flor de Cuba has clearly stated that its presence in the United States does not impact the migration processes of other Cubans. It asserts its right to thrive and move freely, emphasizing that its situation is the result of its own efforts and not of unearned privileges.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment