Who are we?

CiberCuba is a news and content portal about Cuba and Cubans whose main purpose is to inform about the Cuban reality.

Our reference media are diverse, as we aim to be a mosaic that reflects not only the Cuban reality itself but also the plural ways of referring to it in the media, so that those who approach our portal know they will not find a single, biased, and partial perspective. We therefore respect the subjectivity of both the sources and the comments.

CiberCuba was founded in Valencia in November 2014 by two exiled Cubans in Spain: Luis Flores and Luis Manuel Mazorra.

How CiberCuba is financed and how it uses its funds

CiberCuba.com is owned by Malecón Media Group S.L. based at: Carrer de Nicolau Copèrnic, 6, 46980 Paterna, Valencia, Spain.


Luis Flores

CEO and co-founder

Luis Manuel Mazorra

Director and co-founder

Editorial Board

Marlén González


Miguel Baluja

Traffic and Trends Manager


Judith Moris


Gretchen Sánchez

Branded Content Writer

Jeanny Peña
