"Thank you, God": this is what Fidel Castro's grandson said after pouring gasoline into the car

Sandro Castro posted a photo of his car filled with fuel amidst the energy crisis the country is facing.

Sandro Castro © Sandro Castro/Instagram
Sandro CastroPhoto © Sandro Castro/Instagram

This article is five years old.

Sandro Castro, el nieto del fallecido Fidel Castro, publicó una foto con su auto lleno de combustible in the midst of the energy crisisthat crosses the country.

"Thank you, God," Castro wrote on a photo shared in his Instagram stories.

On the car's dashboard, it can be seen that it has been able to fill up with fuel at a time when Cubans must stand in long lines to obtain gasoline at any service station.

Last May, journalist Mario Vallejo released a photo of Sandro Castro endorsing a clandestine beauty pageant "for the sole purpose of recruiting young Cuban women to participate in his private parties and orgies."


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