Cuban activist identifies his alleged attacker in Spain

The alleged attacker is a member of the Valencian Association of Friendship with Cuba José Martí, and according to information obtained by this source, his name is David Rodríguez, as mentioned in the complaint filed with the National Police.

Claudio Gaitán Garmendía © Facebook / Claudio Gaitán Garmendía
Claudio Gaitán GarmendíaPhoto © Facebook / Claudio Gaitán Garmendía

This article is two years old.

Cuban activist Claudio Gaitán Garmendía, who resides in Valencia, Spain, identified the alleged attacker who assaulted him on Friday night while he was broadcasting a complaint on social media against the activities organized by pro-Castro organizations and the island's consulate in Barcelona.

The alleged attacker is a member of the Valencia Association of Friendship with Cuba José Martí, and according to information obtained by this outlet, his name is David Rodríguez, as stated in the complaint filed with the National Police.

Report filed with the National Police by Claudio Gaitán Garmendía / Courtesy of the source

In an Instagram post, Rodríguez is described as "a teacher in the public education system of Valencia and a unionist," therefore, the complaint against him could jeopardize his position as a civil servant in the region.

This media outlet reached out to the Association and the alleged aggressor to learn their side of the story, but so far, they have not responded to our messages.

The incident this Friday resulted in injuries to Gaitán Garmendía's right arm, who required medical treatment at a specialized center, according to the consultation report that CiberCuba accessed.

Gaitán Garmendía appeared this Friday alongside activists Salomé and Simone García in front of the headquarters of the Esquerra Unida party in Valencia. While the sisters held a sign advocating for the freedom of political prisoners in Cuba, the young man denounced on Facebook how these political and social organizations whitewash the dictatorship.

Inside the building, a tribute to José Martí was being organized for the 169th anniversary of his birth, along with the presentation of a book dedicated to the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, an organization associated with repression in Cuba.

A man approached from behind and attempted to snatch the phone from the activist with a swift motion, leading to a brief confrontation between the two, as shown in the videos that were posted on Facebook.

Shortly after, a Spanish woman began taking photographs of the three Cubans, who consistently demonstrated adherence to Spanish law.

Salomé García Bacallao identified this woman as Rocío Raya, who is said to be the president of the association that organized the event. However, she is unsure whether the aim was to pass that information to the Cuban consul Alain González González, who was present at the gathering, or if there was something more dangerous involved.

Gaitán Garmendía stated to this outlet that he is not surprised by such actions, which have nothing to do with a rule of law and a society that respects freedom of expression and private property.

"They do those things and sell those lies because we allow it from the diaspora. Here, harassment and intimidation like that which prevails in Cuba are not tolerated; it's different here because there are laws in place and they are respected," she pointed out.

The activist emphasized the importance of respecting the awakening of Cubans in the diaspora, just as it is necessary to do so with those living on the island who suffer repression from the political police and regime supporters.

"That behavior doesn't surprise me; what we do need to let them know is that we are conscious citizens, and that we can stop such attitudes through peaceful, democratic, and civic means," he concluded.

The Valencian Association of Friendship with Cuba José Martí was founded in 1987 and has since declared its support for the Cuban Revolution.

On their website, they emphasize the implementation of development cooperation projects, material donations, partnerships with various municipalities in the Valencia region, solidarity brigades, and especially the propaganda campaigns aimed at "breaking the media blockade and spreading the reality of Cuba."


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Lázaro Javier Chirino

Journalist at CiberCuba. Bachelor's degree in Socio-Cultural Studies from the University of the Isle of Youth. Presenter and journalist in radio and television.

Lázaro Javier Chirino

Lázaro Javier Chirino

Journalist at CiberCuba. Bachelor's degree in Sociocultural Studies from the University of the Isle of Youth. Presenter and journalist in radio and television.