They ask for help for a Cuban girl with a rare disease in Sumidero, Pinar del Río

The family of the girl Camila Reyes García, resident in Pinar del Río, asked for help so that the little girl, suffering from a rare disease, can be treated in another country.

Camila Reyes García, a nine-year-old girl from Sumidero, in the province of Pinar del Río, was born with a disease that causes her great suffering and prevents her from having a normal life, which motivated her family to ask for help so that she can be treated outside. from Cuba.

The little girl is affected byKlippel-Trenaunay syndrome, a disease that causes, among other symptoms, excessive growth of bones and soft tissues, varicose veins, flat hemangiomas and other vascular problems.

Her family, desperate for the girl's suffering,seek help to be treated in another country because in Cuba the doctors have reiterated that they cannot do anything, explained Claudio Carlos Aliaga Escalona inFacebook.

Capture Facebook / Claudio Carlos Aliaga Escalona

The little girl suffers from unbearable pain and cries frequently because of it. She also cannot lie down or sit for a long time and has to change positions constantly, the publication states.

Capture Facebook / Claudio Carlos Aliaga Escalona

“At only 9 years old, Camilahas had to stop going to school because it hurts her a lot to stand on her feet due to their inflammation,” explained the person who alerted the case while adding that the girl is forced to consume a large amount of painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

“We ask for help so that the little girl can receive ahumanitarian visa to a country with more advanced medical resources, where she has the opportunity to be operated on and cured of this condition that completely disrupts her childhood and the harmony of her home," stressed the author of the publication.

Capture Facebook / Claudio Carlos Aliaga Escalona

To the editorial office ofCyberCuba A video arrived where the girl's mother, Marisa García Rodríguez, explained that her daughter has received medical attention, first in Pinar del Río, then in Havana.

The woman said that in the capital the girl is treated by an angiologist who explained to her that this case cannot be operated on due to atrophied veins.

He reported that the little girl was born with a venous angioma that has developed over the years, and that she lives with constant pain.

“It gets better when I give him medication, but after three hours the pain returns,” he explained.

He said that the girl had to stop going to school because of a blow she received in her leg, which affected a tendon.

The actualeconomic crisis that affects the country, together with the inability of the regime to satisfy needs, forces people to solve their medical problems in other nations or by collecting money or medical supplies.

Last March, Eidys Pérez Barrera, a 32-year-old Cuban mother of two young children,He asked for help to save his life due to the shortage of medicines in Cuba.

The young woman, affected by a type of lymphatic cancer, turned to people's solidarity to be able to treat her illness in another country.

In case oftwo Cuban children with serious burns After a tragic accident in Quivicán, in the province of Mayabeque, it motivated people to help with medicines and food.

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