Amadeo Roldán Theater in Havana becomes a forest

Havana residents regret that the beautiful Amadeo Roldán Theater continues to be a victim of the government's apathy and remains forgotten.

Estado actual del Teatro Amadeo Roldán de La Habana. © Collage Facebook / Pedro Luis Garcia
Current state of the Amadeo Roldán Theater in Havana. Photo © Collage Facebook / Pedro Luis Garcia

Vegetation devours the Amadeo Roldán Auditorium Theater in Havana, former headquarters of the Pro-Arte Musical society, while the majestic structure languishes before the nostalgic eyes of lovers of the Cuban capital's heritage.

Pedro Luis García, one of those people who admire ancient beauties, with deep regret admitted last April that the architectural jewel “turns into a forest where garbage grows and elements are hidden in its ruins.”

This person said in Facebook that “Mozart left, the classical disappeared, a conga can be heard in the distance. The flip-flop arrived”, indicating that time takes its toll on this magnificent property that has not been recovered, despite the regime's promises to do so.

Facebook capture / Pedro Luis García

García pointed out that “He feels sorry to see his abandonment and surroundings” when he daily passes in front of the building, which opened its doors for the first time in 1929.

According to this man, passionate about architecture of the cuban capital, this place was “one of the most popular in the past decades in Havana on Calzada Street in the El Vedado neighborhood.”

He recalled that in the 90s of the last century, on Sundays at six in the afternoon, “he visited the theater to listen to the National Symphony Orchestra,” mentioning an example of the importance of the site for Havana culture years ago.

“The theater was restored at one time in a capital way and now it is seen again decaying with a ruinous tone", he said while remembering that the building closed for the first time in 1977, after a fire, and then, after reopening, it had to be closed again because the reconstruction that was done was poor, to the point that it was only open around of a decade.

In the comments of the publication, many expressed their regret for the current state of a theater that was important and one of the most beautiful in the city, also recognized for its excellent acoustics.

However, Sandra Contreras Tablada said that in the last repair “part of its acoustics was lost, in a short time the problems began until it reached this state again.”

Cesario Navas pointed out that the problem is that the regime prioritized other works, such as the repair of the Anti-Imperialist Tribune, “and they left no resources to save this emblematic and historic cultural center”.

Ivette Castro Delgado, copyist of the Symphony, stated that the building reopened on April 10, 1999, after almost 25 years closed, but “It stopped giving performances again in 2010"How nostalgic and sad to see that theater being destroyed more every day, which is the headquarters of the National Symphony Orchestra, and without knowing when it will reopen again," he said.

In March 2023, musician Osmany Hernández denounced leaks at the National Theater when it rains -artists, instruments and scores got wet during the performance- and recalled that the Amadeo closed years ago "due to construction problems after a terrible repair."

In February 2020, the Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso, recognized that the investment made previously in Amadeo was deficient, and at that time announced its reopening for the first quarter of 2022, being a "priority" for the country.

At that time, Alonso pointed out that the property was already out of danger, after the replacement and restoration of slabs, walls, stairs and other elements of internal infrastructure, although he also said that there was still a long way to go to restore the façade, and condition the technology and the furniture, a statement denied year after year when passersby warn daily that the construction state is worsening.

This site joins the long list of emblematic places in Cuba that are being dragged into disappearance due to a regime that is incapable of keeping them standing in the midst of the current crisis. economic crisis.

In the municipality of Playa you will find the popular Lisbon pizzeria, better known as La Copa Pizzeria, another affected place that little by little fades.

A similar fate is shared by the ancient Comodoro hotel nightclub, currently a rubble dump and people who leave their garbage there.

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