A clean guitar! Lenier Mesa sings "How do I pay you" in celebration of Mother's Day

Invited by the promoters of Miami Vice to the Love Project for older adults, Lenier celebrated this special date with several mothers and grandmothers.

"How do I pay you", the musical success of Lenier Mesa, has become a very recurring theme to dedicate to mothers, and this time it was the artist himself who performed the song for those special beings.

Invited by the promoters of Miami Vice to the Love Project for older adults, Lenier celebrated Mother's Day with several mothers and grandmothers.

With the accompaniment of a guitar, the Cuban singer and composer sang “How I Pay You” for them.

“What a beautiful moment we are living in. “Lenier, thank you for accepting the invitation to sing in our Proyecto Amor on such a special day,” Ángel Sánchez, CEO of Miami Vice, thanked the artist.

As always happens when Lenier interprets this song, The applause did not wait, especially those of the mothers present there.

just a few days ago Lenier surprised another group of women also singing this beautiful song to them at a Mother's Day celebration.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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