Daughter of a Cuban fighter in the Angolan war wants to meet her father.

The man returned to Cuba, leaving his girlfriend pregnant in Angola.

Hija y su padre © Facebook/Cubanos en la guerra de Angola
Daughter and her fatherPhoto © Facebook/Cubans in the Angolan War

An Angolan woman residing in Belgium has published an advertisement to find her Cuban father, identified as José Cabrera (Pepe) and originally from Florida, Camagüey.

According to a post in the group "Cubans in the Angolan War" on Facebook, the woman named Yamara was born as a result of a relationship between Cabrera and her mother, a woman from Matala named Lisett.

She got pregnant and when the girl was born, Cabrera was already back in Cuba. Since then, his whereabouts are unknown.

In Angola, Cabrera worked with the pipefitter from the Matala unit around the years 1986-1988, as detailed in the publication.

Facebook post

The woman asks anyone who knows the ex-combatant's family to contact them at the phone number 5509 9789.

Dozens of Cuban families have been separated by different political and migratory processes in the last six decades.

Recently, the plea of an elderly resident in Miami to locate his two daughters, whom he has not seen since 1980, came to light.

The man, called Miguel Ramos, asked a friend to help him fulfill his wish of finding his daughters, and this person turned to social media to try to locate them.

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