Emotional reaction of a Cuban grandmother upon reuniting by surprise with her grandson on the island after 5 years.

The happiness of this grandmother upon reuniting with her grandson has infected hundreds of social media users.

Social media once again make us participants in a very emotional reunion experienced on the island, where a Cuban woman returned with her son by surprise after five years. A moment that has gone viral on TikTok, where the protagonist shared the video in which she appears unexpectedly at her mother's house.

It was the user Devorah Mallol (@devorahmallol72) who returned to the island after five years and shared this beautiful reunion with her mother. Accompanied by her son, she knocked on her mother's door, who, upon seeing her grandson, forgot that her daughter was there, completely happy to be back with him.

"Five years later, my happy moment arrived," wrote this Cuban woman at the bottom of the post, which has delighted TikTok users with the pure emotion of this grandmother upon seeing her grandson after so long.

"Grandmas, first the grandson. Blessings", "The love of our mothers for their grandchildren is incomparable to anything", "Grandmother's love" or "The grandson came first, how lovely", are some of the messages that can be read on the comment board, where it was inevitable that the majority highlighted that greeting to their grandson.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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