La Dura tells how she prepared to obtain American citizenship

The influencer recounted how the process of becoming a citizen was and offered some advice to her followers.

La Dura is super happy now that she is an American citizen; for several months, she studied a lot for this process that she considers not impossible, but does require dedication and effort.

The followers on Instagram of the influencer wanted to know firsthand how she prepared to obtain citizenship, and La Dura, based on her experience, gave them several tips.

"I have been studying for approximately almost six or seven months, every day I dedicate one hour of my time to studying English with a teacher," he explained.

Instagram screenshot / La Dura

Jacob Forever's partner shared that when he applied for citizenship, he received the appointment very quickly, in less than a month, so he focused his classes on preparing for that interview.

"I memorized the 100 civic education questions, it is very important to memorize all 100 because you never know which one they will ask you. Out of those 100, they will ask you ten, and out of those ten, you have to pass six," shared the influencer, who also recommended to her followers that they also prepare for the possible questions during the interview.

La Dura added that something very important is to show that you understand what they are asking you and that you are making an effort to communicate with those people in their language.

In my case, they asked me questions that have nothing to do with the interview. They asked me how I had arrived there, as we were walking to the office, how the weather was outside, and nothing from the moment you walk in are they testing you to see if you understand them, if there is communication. I understand 90% of the language, maybe I don't speak it perfectly, obviously I am preparing for that, one day I know I will achieve it," she said very convinced.

Instagram screenshot / La Dura

There is nothing in this life that one sets out to do and does not achieve. Having faith, having a positive mindset, being one hundred percent prepared," was the message that La Dura conveyed to her followers.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment.

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