Maydy La Grande is preparing a "big" concert in Miami

The singer invited her fans not to miss this performance.

Maydy La Grande © Instagram / Maydy La Grande
Maydy La GrandePhoto © Instagram / Maydy La Grande

Pleasant surprise for fans of Maydy La Grande, the Cuban singer is preparing a concert for June 8th that promises to be top-notch.

The meeting will be at the Calle Dragones restaurant in Miami, and, of course, the artist's invitation on Instagram was not delayed.

Saturday, June 8th, 10:00 p.m. I'll be waiting for you at Calle Dragones. A big concert, prepared with a lot of love, for you to have an amazing time," he announced on his profile.

Maydy accompanied her invitation with a video tour of the concert venue to assure her fans that it is the ideal place to spend an incredible night together.

Maydy's last performance was very special, as she shared the stage with the artist Yara Rey.

Both sang a duet on stage "Even if it's in another life" and their performances won the applause of the audience present and also Maydy's followers on Instagram.

Just a few days ago, the singer announced that she is working on a new song, "Nothing Hurts Forever," and although she assures it will delight all her fans, she has not yet revealed the release date.

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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