Dayamí La Musa celebrates her mother's birthday: May God grant you many more filled with health and happiness.

"Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman in the whole world," said the Cuban singer this Saturday.

Dayamí La Musa con su madre © Instagram / Dayamí La Musa
Dayamí La Musa with her motherPhoto © Instagram / Dayamí La Musa

Alongside two photos that are the true embodiment of the purest love, Dayamí La Musa celebrated her mother's birthday this Saturday.

Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman in the whole world. I love you, my dear mother, may God grant you many more years full of health and happiness... and give me the strength and blessings to give you everything you deserve," wrote the Cuban artist on her Instagram account, where congratulations, well-wishes, and celebration messages from her followers immediately began to appear.

On the past Mothers' Day, Dayamí celebrated it with a beautiful music video dedicated to all mothers, "Beautiful Love", in which real images with hers appear, who affectionately they call Oda.

"Congratulations Mom. Dedicate 'Amor Bonito' to your mom. Now available on my YouTube channel (...) thank you all for sharing these moments with me, being the most beautiful models I've ever had in a video. Congratulations to all your mothers," said the Cuban singer on May 13th, who had celebrated five years with her boyfriend Yandy back in February.

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