The cockroaches "roam freely" in the 3rd and 70th market of Havana.

Cockroaches have also become a health problem within Cuban society.

Cucarachas en tienda de Cuba © X/ Violeta
Cockroaches in a store in CubaPhoto © X/ Violeta

In the midst of the scarcity of products in freely convertible currency (MLC) stores in Cuba, those who seem to have found a place to thrive without difficulties are cockroaches.

A complaint on the social network X illustrates this event in which the insect is seen walking around different parts of the store.

"For sale today at the market on 3rd and 70 (MLC), products infested with cockroaches," ironically said user Violeta.

This is how most of what remains of stores in Cuba looks like. How disgusting! You know, slaves are to wash the merchandise before consuming it," he pointed out to warn about possible illnesses for consumers of products sold in this place.

Markets like the one at 3era and 70, dedicated to collecting MLC from the population, do so without a diversified offer.

Many Cubans have reported shortages in these state-run establishments, such as the case of a resident in Havana who, after visiting seven stores, came to the conclusion that in Cuba "there is nothing".

This scarcity is compounded by the presence of this insect, which can cause, among other diseases, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, streptococci, and staphylococci.

Other citizen complaints about the presence of cockroaches have been made by patients who are hospitalized in Cuban hospitals or by their relatives.

Recently, it was revealed that cockroaches roam freely in a hospital in Santiago de Cuba, where they walk over the furniture in broad daylight and in plain view of everyone.

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