Aly Sánchez, Yoyi, and Preña Palma strip down to the rhythm of "Marca Mandarina," the hit fashion distribution theme.

The artists have once again turned the networks upside down with their hilarious video.

Without giving up their sense of humor and casualness on social media, Aly Sánchez, Yoyi, and Preña Palma joined in to dance the new chart-topping song that is taking over the platforms these days.

It's about "Marca Mandarina," by Oniel Bebeshito and El Taiger, which has already surpassed 3 million views on YouTube in just 10 days.

The video of Yoyi, Preña Palma, and Aly Sánchez dancing to the rhythm of "Marca Mandarina" has caused a frenzy on social media, and fans have not hesitated to shower them with praise and positive comments. The joy and enthusiasm conveyed by the three, as well as their usual spontaneity, have won over the hearts of their fans, who have spared no compliments.

At the time of this note, the post, shared two days ago, had already generated more than 34 thousand likes and about 1,800 comments.

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