Cuban woman moves the networks with video of her surprise visit to the island after two years

The young woman shared her happiness on social media after being able to hug her loved ones on the island.

A Cuban woman has touched social media by sharing her surprise return to the island to visit her family after two years of absence. The emotional video of the reunion was posted on TikTok and has generated a series of comments full of love and well-wishes.

The video shows the exact moment when Yalianny Sosa, according to the information available on her profile on the network, surprises her family at home. The joyful and emotional reaction of her loved ones is palpable, and it didn't take long to touch the hearts of many users on social media.

Among the comments are messages from other people who dream of reuniting with their families: "God working beautifully for all those mothers who long for that moment"; "What a beautiful moment, how much I wish I could hug my family again, congratulations, many blessings, enjoy it"; "What a beautiful moment, how much I wish I could hug my mother, two years without being able to hug her, these videos make me cry," some said.

The video not only highlights the joy of the reunion, but also the harsh reality of the family separation that many Cubans who have emigrated to other countries endure in search of a better future for themselves and their loved ones.

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