Osmani García shows support for Trump after judicial setback: "My vote is for him."

"The one who should be behind bars is the one who is eating the ice creams," said the reggaeton artist.

The Cuban reggaeton singer Osmani García shared a video on his social media in which he shows his support for Donald Trump and revealed that he will be voting for him in the November elections.

According to Osmani, what is happening to Trump - who a jury has just found guilty of 34 crimes - is proof of the lack of freedom that currently exists in the United States.

"I speak to you as an American citizen. This year, my vote is going to be -whether I am free or not- it is going to be for Donald Trump," he stated.

The singer of "El Taxi," who is currently in Mexico, asked his followers not to allow the former president to be taken to jail because "the one who should be behind bars is the one eating the ice creams."

In his opinion, if Donald Trump goes to prison, American citizens would be allowing themselves to be made slaves, like the Cubans in Cuba.

"We already know where all this is coming from, the defamations, the mechanism they are using with Donald Trump to discredit him is the same as what has been done in Cuba for 60-something years. We are familiar with all these things, we know the game, the show, the theater, with the only person who can make the United States great again," he explained.

"I believe we should all support Donald Trump so that the United States can be great again," he emphasized.

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