Proud moms! Rachel Cruz and Kary Bernal celebrate their daughter's award at school.

The actress and the presenter shared images on Instagram of Alaia's graduation.

Rachel Cruz and Kary Bernal are the proudest mothers in the world after their daughter, little Alaia, was selected for the honor roll at her school.

The actress and the TV host celebrated this achievement of the girl on their Instagram profiles with that unique satisfaction and joy that mothers feel toward any success of their children in life.

Instagram screenshot / Rachel Cruz

In one of the photos, Alaia is seen with that smile that conquers everyone and wearing the graduation outfit like a grown-up child.

The couple also shared on their stories on that social media platform the video of the exact moment when they presented the recognition to Alaia, and in the background, applause and exclamations can be heard, which are likely coming from their moms.

During the celebration party, Rachel and Kary posed with their daughter holding her award to create a beautiful memory of this moment.

On May 31st, Alaia will be turning five years old, and her achievement at school will be another reason to celebrate the day in a big way.

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment.