Homes in Santiago de Cuba receive water so dirty that it looks like chocolate.

After weeks of shortages, households in Santiago de Cuba are receiving brown water due to the dirt.

Santiagueros reported on social media this Sunday that the water they receive in their homes is so dirty that instead of the precious liquid, it seems like chocolate is coming out of the pipes.

"Since the water service has been restored in Santiago de Cuba, many people are reporting that the water is coming out very dark in the city," stated the communicator Yosmany Mayeta on Facebook, alerting that the issue is affecting many people.

"The authorities of the Water and Sewer Company Aguas Santiago have not spoken about it," noted the independent journalist, questioning whether this liquid meets the required parameters to be potable.

The water supply crisis in this province keeps its inhabitants on edge, who are sometimes forced to resort to extreme solutions.

Last May, the residents of the Los Pinos neighborhood, who had been without water service for over two weeks due to issues with the piping network, were forced to fill buckets and tanks directly from a huge leak on the street, Mayeta reported on Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / Yosmany Mayeta

According to the activist, the huge hole on the corner of Mariana Grajales and Los Pinos was the result of a repair of a leak that started some time ago and its solution was delayed.

Also, residents of the Los Pinos neighborhood in Santiago de Cuba reported that they went over 20 days without potable water service, pointing out the persistent crisis that the regime has not yet resolved.

Facebook screenshot / Yosmany Mayeta

The pipe you see in the photo went to street B in Los Pinos and filled up a neighbor's tanks, charging a pretty high price. But no one else could get water because we had to pay for it," denounced Mayeta, warning that the water truck drivers are taking advantage of the population's difficult situation to make a profit.

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