Eco Fleet ship unloads its fuel cargo in Cienfuegos after almost four months of waiting.

The ship is carrying around 274,000 barrels of oil, said the director of the Energy Program for Latin America and the Caribbean at the University of Texas.

Buque Eco Fleet (Imagen de Referencia) © VesseFinder y Granma / Omar García Valenti
Eco Fleet Ship (Reference Image)Photo © VesseFinder and Granma / Omar García Valenti

The oil tanker Eco Fleet finally unloaded its fuel cargo in Cienfuegos after nearly four months of waiting.

According to DIARIO DE CUBA, it is the same tanker that arrived in Havana at the end of February and that in mid-April, after spending 50 days cruising in Cuban territorial waters, left with its cargo.

Jorge Piñón, director of the Energy Program for Latin America and the Caribbean at the University of Texas, revealed to the digital portal that on Saturday, June 1st, "after more than 70 days of waiting to deliver its oil, unloaded in Cienfuegos."

The ship, flying the flag of the Marshall Islands, "carries approximately 274,000 barrels of oil," Piñón specified, based on its draft.

The ship initially arrived in Havana on February 25th and on April 14th, it departed to Jamaica, where it stayed for two days before returning to Cuba without any changes to its draft.

Reason for the delay: lack of payment? quality issues? You must have an incredible stay invoice,” said the expert from the University of Texas.

In April, when the tanker left Cuba and in the face of the government's silence, speculation arose about the reasons for not unloading the diesel, with possible explanations such as a lack of money to pay for the cargo, technical issues with the ship, or concerns about the quality of the diesel.

Cuban authorities have also not commented on the docking of the Eco Fleet in Cienfuegos, news that could bring some relief to the population, which has been suffering from long and exhausting blackouts for months, lasting more than 15 hours in some areas.

At the end of March, the government confirmed the arrival on the island of a Russian ship carrying over 90,000 tons of oil.

The ship arrived at the Supertankers base in Matanzas, where it was reported that the fuel extraction was taking place.

Days later, although without specifying the origin, the regime announced the arrival of another cargo ship to the city of Matanzas.

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