Cuban woman in the United States advises women who 'pick up' newly arrived men: "Don't let yourself be used"

Open your eyes and raise your self-esteem a little.

"A little piece of advice to all those women who are picking up all those guys who have just arrived from Cuba and other countries," began Desimil Arias, a Cuban woman living in the United States, in a video shared on TikTok that has captured attention for its message.

In her words, the young woman stated that men who have recently arrived in the country seek to take advantage of the economic stability of women settled in the United States.

Those men are looking for women who have been here for 10 or 15 years, who are already settled, who own property, who have a job, just to squeeze every last penny out of you. Stop being foolish, women, those men left their wives in Cuba and they are just using you for that. I knew of a case of a young woman a few days ago who told me that her family let the man go because, well, she wanted to be with him and help him, and the man is trying to bring his wife from Cuba," Desimil quoted in his reflection.

Stop wasting your time, because all these men who are coming to this country nowadays are looking for a woman who is already established, who has her job and is economically stable, and if she is a bit older than them, even better to live off of them. And when they squeeze you dry and take every last penny from you, they give you two kicks because their end goal is to settle here to pay less so they can bring that woman they left behind," he added in his advice.

The video has sparked a debate on the web, with women sharing similar experiences and thanking Desimil for addressing such a sensitive issue. "I think the same as you,"; "Many don't realize they're not in Cuba. They believe they're still there,"; "True, and they have a woman in Cuba they want to bring over"; "Exactly, enough of making fun of oneself. We women are the ones who should look for someone who is stable for us"; "The same thing happened to a friend, and today he left her for the one who arrived from Cuba"; "If it were just the newcomers, they are all here for the same thing," some subscribed in the comments, where opinions saying that it couldn't be generalized were also present.

Desimil concluded his video urging women to open their eyes and not be swept away by pretty words and empty promises. "Don't be so foolish and open your eyes. These men who have just arrived from Cuba want a woman who is already financially stable in this country so they can lean on her and save money to bring the family they left behind. Stop believing in so many pretty words and don't let yourselves be used."

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