Thoughts of a Cuban at the gym, according to Kristoff Kriollo

To laugh at the new content from the Cuban influencer.

The Cuban influencer Kristoff Kriollo has once again become the center of attention with his most recent humorous video.

On this occasion, Kristoff - who arrived in the United States in June 2023 - shared a video on his social media titled "A Cuban's Thoughts at the Gym," in which he humorously and exaggeratedly narrates what goes through the mind of a Cuban and his antics while working out.

In the video, amid exercises and absurd thoughts, he feels watched and struggles with his clumsiness at the gym. Phrases like "why are those people looking at me, what do I have... oh, I forgot how to walk" and "the drop of sweat running down my back reached my butt and now I have a slippery butt... I'll run to see if it dries," have sparked laughter and comments from followers.

Kristoff's hilarious narrative includes imagining himself as a millionaire to avoid exercising, and mentally facing off against other gym-goers, only to remember that he was raised "on bread and coffee" while others grew up on "cereals and vitamins."

The reactions to the video were not long in coming, and at the time of this note, it had accumulated more than 21 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from followers who couldn't contain their laughter. "In Cuba I did have a parasite in the water" and "in the part with the bread and coffee, I was drinking soda and wet the whole table" attest to the laughter provoked by his new sketch.

Others simply expressed their gratitude for the good humor, stating that it brightened their day and provoked laughter.

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