A Cuban denounces that there are no medicines in Matanzas: "What medical power are they talking about?"

"There is no medical power in this country, everything is false," said Carlos Martell Díaz when denouncing the shortage of medications in Matanzas.

A Cuban expressed his indignation on social media due to the shortage of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories in the pharmacies of Matanzas, questioning the quality of medical care in Cuba.

Carlos Martell Díaz, 60 years old, reported on Facebook that pharmacies lack these medications, preventing him from accessing the necessary medicine to heal a wound on one of his legs since last Sunday.

"There is nothing in this polyclinic or in the hospitals, and yet we are still a medical power, how long are they going to keep saying that?" he said, questioning the Cuban public health system, since in the healthcare center where he is being treated, they only treat his wound and can't do more due to the lack of supplies in pharmacies."

"Antibiotics have not arrived this week," the man warned, explaining that he now has to buy the medicine he needs in the informal market, where it can cost up to 1,000 pesos, he pointed out.

In his complaint, this gentleman also highlighted the deficiencies of the public health system by mentioning that there are no reagents available at the polyclinic to perform diabetes tests, which has prevented him from determining if he has that disease or not.

In addition, Martell denounced the lack of freedom of expression in Cuba by stating: "You say something and they want to imprison you." He also pointed out that, if he does so, he runs the risk of being labeled as "troublesome" and "terrorist".

He emphasized that he is not a terrorist; he is simply a Cuban citizen fighting to save his leg in the midst of the deep economic crisis affecting the country.

"If they cut off my foot, I will be disabled in this country," Martell pointed out, who also denounced that, like other retirees, he would only receive a checkbook of 1,500 pesos, an insufficient amount to cover basic needs in Cuba.

"And you become a dog lying in a sack," he said, making a sad comparison of what he would become if it were to happen.

Lastly, he pointed out that he doesn't owe anything to his country or the government, as at 60 years of age, he is still working.

The shortage of pharmacies adds to the long list of issues affecting Cubans, causing frustration and discomfort among the population.

An elderly Cuban woman denounced last May that it is necessary to spend the night at the doors of pharmacies in the hope of being able to obtain the needed medications the next day.

Facebook screenshot / Carmen Pérez Martín

Carmen Pérez Martín shared a photo on her Facebook profile in which she is seen sitting on a stool in a doorway, waiting for her turn. Nearby, another elderly person with their head down also waits. "Many slept outside the pharmacy to see if we can get the medicine we need. Life is only one and we are in line after line. And we keep enduring," she lamented.

In the province of Santiago de Cuba, the regime aims to address the shortage of medicines by prioritizing the production of natural remedies, as reported by official sources.

A report broadcasted on Tele Turquino channel defended the production of natural origin medications as a "less invasive solution to treat ailments", without mentioning the reasons for the shortage of pharmaceuticals, which forces affected individuals to increasingly resort to these remedies.

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