Emotional gender reveal of a Cuban couple: This was their reaction upon finding out the baby's gender.

Emotional reaction of Cuban couple upon learning the sex of their baby at gender reveal party.

Gender reveal parties are experiencing their peak. Many future parents choose to turn the moment they find out the gender of the baby they are expecting into a family event. Moments of pure excitement that many often share on social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram, thrilling thousands of people in this way.

Some of them go viral for the creativity and originality with which they reveal the gender of the baby they are expecting, while others do so for the emotions they convey, as has happened to a Cuban couple, who not only infected their family but also more viewers with their excitement.

It was on TikTok where the Cuban expectant mother (@ale_kstillo19) shared the moment when she, her partner, and the rest of their family and friends found out they are having a girl.

The scene captures the moment when they both wait together in front of a beautiful decoration when the colors explode around them, with pink shooting out. Together, they merge in a beautiful hug that more family members quickly join, happy about the arrival of the future family member. Congratulations!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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