Heartbreaking messages from Venezuelan parents to María Corina Machado: "I want my children back."

An elderly Venezuelan man stated that his seven children have had to leave the country.

During the tours carried out around the country by the opposition's former presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado, she has heard the heartbreaking plea of Venezuelan mothers and fathers who only long for the return of their children.

Felix Hurtado, an elderly man who lives with a pacemaker, intercepted Machado during his tour of the state of Bolivar to tell him that his children are professionals and had to leave the country.

"I have seven children and they have all left, I want my children to come back. I just ask that Maduro leaves and lets us live in peace," he pleaded tearfully to the former candidate, who responded emotionally, "Have faith that we will achieve it."

On the other hand, a mother identified as Melisa Guzmán approached him desperately: "I trust you, and my heart is with you. You are my hope for my brothers, my cousins, my daughter, the only daughter I have to return home."

"I am going to vote, I am going to take care of you, I am not going to apply the 1x20, I am going to apply the 1x100 and I will go to every town, every corner to ask people to vote," he expressed.

In a post on the social network X, Machado - who swept the opposition primaries last year but was disqualified by the Maduro regime and, therefore, will not be able to appear on the electoral ballot in the July elections - stated that many Venezuelan families have been separated in recent decades.

"A country united for a single purpose: to reach the end, liberate Venezuela, and reunite our families forever," he stated.

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), more than 7.7 million people have left Venezuela in search of protection and a better life.

The majority - more than 6.5 million people - have been welcomed by countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Last March, Maduro's regime disqualified Machado, who, although she will not be on the ballot for the Venezuelan presidential elections on July 28, continues to travel throughout the country seeking to reignite the hope of opposition members and people tired of Chavismo who have been demobilized for years.

The woman holds rallies and campaign events in small locations throughout the country, where she gathers hundreds of supporters, actions also replicated by Chavismo, which seeks the reelection of Nicolás Maduro.

After a political agreement between broad sectors of the opposition, Machado's position on the ballot will be filled by Edmundo González, a little-known former diplomat.

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