"I am not your mother": Heydy González's best revenge against her partner Eddy Borges.

The actress uploaded another one of those funny videos on Instagram in which Eddy doesn't come out very well and always makes her followers laugh.

At this point in their relationship, Eddy Borges should already know that it's never good to go against Heydy González; however, the singer sometimes forgets and his partner's revenge becomes imminent.

The actress posted another one of those funny videos on Instagram in which Eddy doesn't come out very well, always provoking laughter from her followers.

"Hey, that's enough, you're not my mom," Eddy thought to say when Heydy scolded him twice for not messing up the floor of the house she had just cleaned.

Serious mistake by the singer that cost him a lot. It turns out that he wanted to go to the gym and couldn't find the keys, the sneakers, or the gloves, and every time he asked Heydy, she replied, "I'm not your mom."

"For your own good, let me be whatever I want," wrote the actress in the description of the post, but Eddy claims she hides things from him so that he needs her.

Although it was very clear that Heydy is not their mom, they both end the video laughing, once again demonstrating the complicity that exists between the two.

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Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment.

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