Actor Luis Silva explains why there are so many Fake News in Cuba.

The popular actor's reasoning couldn't have been shorter and more accurate.

Luis Silva (I) y Un joven con un objeto cortante durante el incidente (d) © Collage Facebook/Luis Silva - Captura de redes sociales
Luis Silva (I) and a young man with a sharp object during the incident (d).Photo © Collage Facebook/Luis Silva - Social media screenshot

The popular Cuban actor Luis Silva needed few words to explain why there are so many Fake News in Cuba, in a subtle - but evident - reference to the fight that took place this weekend at Finca de Los Monos in Havana, where several young people were injured, according to official sources, who took many hours to release their version of the events.

"Do you know why there are so many Fake News? Because you take too long to provide the Real News," the actor succinctly expressed in his Instagram stories, clearly reproaching government sources for their tendency to always delay information."

Instagram screenshot/Luis Silva

The Government of Havana denied this Sunday that there were any deaths during the massive brawl that took place Saturday evening in the vicinity of Finca de los Monos, a recreational area located in the Cerro municipality.

Hours after the news went viral on social media, the government entity released a statement describing the news related to the deaths of young people as "false" and explaining that the incident was linked to "an unauthorized activity," during which "a disturbance occurred while moving to the outdoor areas of the facility."

The official source initially stated that the incident left two injured persons without life-threatening injuries and that authorities from the Government and the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) intervened to restore order.

The text also attacked independent media and profiles on social networks that reported the incident.

Once again, the unscrupulous attitude of individuals and media trying to discredit our society with falsehoods has been exposed," they concluded.

Despite the clarifications, the fight left horrifying images of young people armed with machetes and other sharp objects, demonstrating the high level of violence in the country.

In the last few hours, the official spokesperson Humberto López raised the number of injured in the incident to six and reiterated the false nature of the information that went viral on social media.

This was followed by an institutional clarification note in which Finca de Los Monos admitted that "the power of the event's appeal was underestimated."

Even though Cuban authorities deemed the event as "unapproved activity," a video and promotional posts on social media revealed that it did have the approval of the corresponding instances.

Luis Silva's brief yet accurate reasoning this Sunday - in the midst of the tragic incident - hit the nail on the head by pointing out silence, secrecy, and omission as usual practices of the Cuban government, characterized by looking the other way in areas of information that it does not have an interest in bringing to light.

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