Face to face! La Diosa and Yulién Oviedo meet for the first time after their confrontation.

The Goddess got upset when Yulién Oviedo showed up unexpectedly on the show in the middle of the interview.

The Goddess and Yulién Oviedo have come face to face for the first time after the controversy they had a few months ago. It was on Adrián Fernández's show when the Cuban singer appeared while interviewing La Diosa, causing a moment of tension in the studio.

"I took the liberty of inviting someone here today. I am more nervous than anyone else here in the studio," said Adrián Fernández, to the surprise of La Diosa, who, after seeing Yulién Oviedo in the studio, said irritably to the host, "You should have talked to me."

Following that, the artist left the set while the commotion escalated, with Rey El Mago also getting involved. A moment of tension that ended with everyone going off-camera to talk in private.

After several minutes, they returned with calmer spirits, and even Yulién Oviedo joked about the idea of ​​singing "El Yaris," the diss track La Diosa dedicated to him, during the singer's upcoming concert at the Flamingo.

Although for now it is unknown what happened behind the scenes, it is evident that the Cuban singers reached a common understanding and Yulién took the opportunity to publicly apologize to the singer of "Por debajo del agua".

"We are dealing with a mother, a woman, and she has been my friend for over 15 years. So I want to apologize to La Diosa, I shouldn't have said that to you. We have always respected and supported each other, not just now, I mean for years. One does things and then doesn't see the point. The trigger was the audio with Lenier," Yulién said about his issue with La Diosa.

On the other hand, La Diosa reproached him for not calling her to ask for explanations and resolve it at the moment, as she denies that those audios were real. Yulién sided with La Diosa and deleted live the tirade he dedicated to her, thus closing his issue with her.

The confrontation between La Diosa and Yulién Oviedo occurred due to derogatory comments about her appearance and her children in a post about her on CiberCuba's Facebook page. La Diosa didn't stay silent in response to these messages, escalating the tension between them to the point of engaging in a heated exchange.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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