"I want to touch my dad": Cuban girl's wish fulfilled after five years without seeing her father

In an emotional video that she shared on her TikTok account, the mom captured this super special moment for her daughter.

After five long years without seeing each other, a Cuban father and his daughter were reunited on the island. Talking on a cellphone every day is not the same as being able to hug each other.

"I want to see my dad," was the wish the girl asked her mother, and without hesitation, she set aside the plans to go to Cancun so that the little one could spend a few days with her father.

In an emotional video that she shared on her TikTok account, the mom captured this super special moment for her daughter.

She left at two years old and hasn't seen her dad for five years, although they talk every day," she said as images of the little girl arriving at the airport in Cuba were shown.

"I know how important the presence of the father is in the lives of children. No matter how many differences you may have, the most important thing is the well-being of your child. If what makes her happy is seeing her dad again, I was never going to stand in her way," he assured.

In the images, you can see the moment when the girl finally sees her dad and runs into his arms with infinite joy.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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