Díaz-Canel ensures that Cuba is more democratic than the United States: "Here there are no disappeared or murders."

Here, we fight every day and overcome adversities and obstacles every day. And as I say, victory generates victory," he said.

The ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel stated that Cuba is more democratic than the United States and that there are no disappeared or murdered people on the island.

In a meeting with over a hundred young Americans from the Let Cuba Live brigade, Díaz-Canel stated that Cuba will not give up socialism because capitalism does not solve the problems of humanity, but rather exacerbates them.

"We have shortcomings, we have problems, limitations, but there are no disappearances or murders here, this country is more democratic than the United States, here the people participate, here the majority of people are optimistic and share," he pointed out.

"Here we fight every day and overcome adversities and obstacles every day. And, as I say, victory generates victory," he added.

At another moment in his speech, the leader defended the one-party system, stating that democracy is not multi-partyism, but rather the possibility for individuals to "exercise their rights."

"People don't understand us when we say that we have only one party, and they say we are not democratic because we have only one party," he questioned.

"And is the United States democratic because it has several parties? One party, the Republican, implemented the 243 measures to tighten the blockade, and the Democrat upheld them. What's the story? Is that democracy?" he asked rhetorically.

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