Intense rains are reported in western Cuba.

Since early this morning, showers, rain, and storms have been occurring, especially in the southern areas from Artemisa to Sancti Spíritus. These rains can be heavy and intense in a specific manner.

Lluvias en La Habana (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Rain in Havana (reference image)Photo © CiberCuba

The western part of Cuba remains under an anticyclonic influence in the Atlantic that will continue to cause rain, which will become intense this Thursday, according to reports collected by the Cuban Meteorological Institute (INSMET) in various points of the island's geography.

Since this morning, showers, rain, and storms have been occurring, especially towards the southern areas from Artemisa to Sancti Spíritus. These rains can become strong and intense in a specific manner," indicated meteorologist Raydel Ruisanchez on his social media.

Facebook screenshot / Raydel Ruisanchez

According to Ruisanchez, weather presenter at the ARTV telecenter in Artemisa and meteorology specialist in the Mariel Special Development Zone, the rainfall could be intense.

"In the last hour, according to the automatic weather station in Güira de Melena, Artemisa, more than 30 mm of precipitation occurred, which qualifies as heavy rainfall," the meteorologist explained.

On the other hand, the Weather Forecast Center of INSMET predicted that for this afternoon and evening, "cloudy skies will prevail in the western half with showers, rain, and some thunderstorms in the west, which will temporarily decrease during the afternoon and increase during the night hours."

In the rest of the country, it will be partly cloudy with clouds building up in the afternoon, leading to some showers and thunderstorms on the northern coast of the central region, more isolated in the rest of the country. Winds will be from the southeast in the west at speeds between 15 and 30 kilometers per hour, with higher gusts, while they will be light and variable in the rest of the country," added the INSMET.

According to the Institute, "there will be calm sea on the central north coast and little wave height on the rest of the coasts." Additionally, it pointed out that "in areas of showers and thunderstorms, the wind force and wave height may increase."

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