Neighborhoods remain under water after heavy rains in Florida.

The heavy floods in southern Florida have caused highway closures and flight cancellations.

Despite the heavy rains that occurred in Florida in the last few days have been subsiding, some neighborhoods remain flooded.

In images shared by Telemundo 51, streets can be seen remaining flooded, hindering the transit of vehicles and pedestrians.

Nevertheless, some movements can still be observed in the waters of people going out to look for essential products.

Other stories have been covered by Local 10, who interviewed residents of Fort Lauderdale who were affected by the heavy rains.

Among them, they mention what happened to Virgilio Batista, a resident who returned to the Edgewood neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale by car, after his car broke down in place.

"The car was running; when I arrived at that place, it turned off," Batista told Local 10, emphasizing that there was a lot of water falling."

Batista's luck wasn't the best, as his car was completely ruined, according to reports.

Another resident of Edgewood was more demanding in their opinion, stating that "the city fails us again."

"This is the thousand-year storm that followed the thousand-year storm that happened a year ago," Willie Thomas mentioned.

Although his words show disappointment, Thomas sent advice to other neighbors.

"Just don't drive over the water, that's all," he told Local 10. "If you see high water, don't drive through it because your car will stall," he continued.

The heavy floods in southern Florida have caused highway closures and flight cancellations.

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