Héctor Noas celebrates working for the first time with actress Thais Valdés in a new Cuban film.

In his Facebook profile, Noas shared a photo with Thais in which Isabel Santos and Vladimir Cruz also appear.

Vladimir Cruz, Isabel Santos, Thais Valdés, and Héctor NoasPhoto © Facebook / Héctor Noas

The Cuban actor Héctor Noas celebrated being able to work for the first time with actress Thais Valdés in the new film by Gerardo Chijona, La Fiesta.

In his Facebook profile, Noas shared a photo with his colleague in which Isabel Santos and Vladimir Cruz also appear.

Another wonder is added to Gerardo Chijona's Celebration. It's a joy to work with Thais Valdés for the first time. You have to start somewhere! Hugs to everyone," wrote the actor in his post.

Facebook Screenshot / Héctor Noas

Through Instagram, Vladimir Cruz also welcomed the actress to Havana and shared photos with her and the director Gerardo Chijona.

Thais Valdés's addition to the cast of this film was announced last week, marking the actress's return to Cuban cinema where she has left significant marks with films such as "Alicia en el pueblo de Maravillas" (1991), "Adorables mentiras" (1991), and "Un paraíso bajo las estrellas" (1999).

In addition to these four artists, Osvaldo Doimeadiós, Thaimí Alvariño, and Carlos Gonzalvo will participate in this film.

It is expected that the filming of this movie with a luxury cast will begin on July 8th and its release will be finalized in the first semester of 2025.

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Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment.

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