Police takes advantage of their uniform in gasoline line in Santiago de Cuba.

It is common for police officers in Cuba to disrespect people in lines, asserting their authority by cutting in front of those who have been waiting for hours for their turn.

Policía se salta la cola para comprar gas en Santiago de Cuba © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Police officer cuts in line to buy gas in Santiago de Cuba.Photo © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

A police officer, clearly abusing his authority, took advantage of his uniform to skip the line at a gas sales point in the city of Santiago de Cuba, stepping over people who had been waiting for hours to buy the precious fuel tank.

The incident, reported by the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta on Facebook, has triggered a wave of indignation among social media users, noting that this type of abuse, where Cuban police and military officers take advantage of their position, is a common practice in the country.

Facebook screenshot / Yosmany Mayeta.

"There were people who had arrived since dawn and others who had been waiting for over seven hours to buy a gas cylinder, when this policeman came and went over all the people present," said the social communicator Yosmany Mayeta, criticizing the arrogant attitude of the officer, who, instead of protecting the rights of the population, blatantly ignored them, demonstrating a clear disrespect towards the citizens he should serve."

Finally, Mayeta took advantage of the publication to denounce that this type of behavior is common among police officers, "who often stop a vehicle and do not pay for it."

In the comments section, the majority of the independent journalist's followers agreed that the police officer's attitude is, at the very least, arrogant, disrespectful, and an abuse of power.

The worsened economic crisis faced by the Cuban population is reflected in the scarcity of products and the long lines to purchase basic goods. This situation often leads to outbreaks of violence, as tension and desperation escalate among those who wait for hours to satisfy their most essential needs.

The news portal CubaNet published on Wednesday on the social network X a video capturing the tension in another line to buy gas cylinders.

The video illustrates the frustration and despair of Cubans, who face long waits to obtain an essential resource, always with the fear that its availability may run out.

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