A thief stealing cellphones in a cafeteria in Santiago de Cuba was caught on video.

The video shows that the middle-aged man entered the cafeteria and stole a cell phone that was on a table.

A man was caught on surveillance camera at the exact moment he entered a café in Santiago de Cuba and stole a cell phone last Monday.

Emelides Ávila reported on Facebook the theft of her phone and asked that anyone with information about the thief to contact her immediately.

Facebook screenshot / Emelides Avila

I need to know information about this person or if anyone knows who they are, please have them send me the phone they took today, before tomorrow, any information to 53213043," the victim pointed out.

The video clearly shows a middle-aged man taking what appears to be a mobile phone from a table in a café.

The person who shared the post on social media included images clearly showing the thief's face.

A similar situation occurred a week ago when the surveillance cameras installed in a house in Havana captured a man entering at night and stealing a washing machine that was in the yard.

Facebook screenshot / Danay Zerquera

Danay Zerquera shared the video on her Facebook wall and asked for help to identify the criminal.

In April, a camera recorded an incident that took place in the parking lot of I, between 15 and 17, in Vedado, Havana.

A supposed criminal allegedly stole "some chargers for electric motorcycles" and the security camera recorded the moment when he approaches to check if someone is coming.

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