Rachel, Bebeshito's partner, gets emotional in the final stretch of her pregnancy: "When I had my first child I was 15 years old."

In Miami, the Cuban model is fulfilling those dreams that she could not accomplish in her previous pregnancy.

Rachel Arderi © Instagram / Rachel Arderi
Rachel ArderiPhoto © Instagram / Rachel Arderi

Rachel Arderi, partner of Oniel Bebeshito, was moved to tears as she compared baby clothes for their upcoming baby. Even though this is her second pregnancy, the experience has been very different now that she is in Miami. Her first child was born when she was only 15 years old and did not have the resources to enjoy these moments.

On her Instagram, deeply moved, the Cuban model compared her two pregnancies and shared how she has experienced them in different ways.

Instagram screenshot / Rachel Arderi

I want to share that I became a mother at a very young age when I had my first child at just 15 years old. This means that I couldn't buy him anything with my own money because I didn't have any; I was studying. Seeing myself today, a grown woman six years later, in another country, being able to buy him whatever he wants, choosing what I like, gives me a lot of feelings. Today I understand that I was so young before, I didn't even see the risks of being a mother at 15 years old," she wrote in one of her stories on that social media platform.

Instagram screenshot / Rachel Arderi

Although she assured that she has never regretted having her firstborn at such a young age, her "prince who is almost a little man," she feels "grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to relive what maybe couldn't happen with my boy, with this princess that I carry in my belly. I'm already sentimental, that's pregnancy."

Rachel confessed that she is living "one of the most beautiful dreams that a woman can have", but undoubtedly being outside of Cuba, in Miami, has helped her fulfill it.

Instagram screenshot / Rachel Arderi

Just this week, Rachel and Bebeshito celebrated two years of relationship, and not even the distance prevented them from remembering all those beautiful moments they have shared.

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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