Face to face: Yomil Hidalgo and Daniela Reyes break the silence and tell the story of their breakup.

The reggaeton artist and the influencer have just released the podcast "Open Mind" together.

The separation of Yomil Hidalgo and Daniela Reyes generated a lot of discussion last year, especially because the couple decided to keep what happened private.

However, the reggaeton artist and the influencer have just launched the podcast "Open Mind" together, and in the first episode, face to face, they tell what happened after their breakup and everything the public is unaware of.

After recounting that after the breakup he tried to continue his normal routine and focus on work, Yomil confessed: "For me it was an unnecessary breakup, it was something rushed."

However, Daniela, who was a little upset at the time about what had happened, added: "I feel like you did it as a way to test your strength, that you thought you were going to act that way and I wasn't going to respond." For that reason, the YouTuber decided to go to Cancun the next day after ending the relationship.

Couples have moments that are super difficult to deal with, and not all the time we have the maturity to face them, nor do we have the capacity and energy to dedicate to trying to solve that problem. What was easier, well, it broke here, it ended," Daniela reflected.

Both agreed that they are strong-willed, proud, and independent individuals, and that influenced neither of them to back down.

"It was a decision he had made and that I had executed," said the influencer, implying that the reggaeton artist had proposed the separation; however, Yomil defended himself: "Just because I say we are separating, doesn't mean you have to pack up and leave."

When the couple's breakup became public, they had been separated for a month, which indicates that up to that moment they had been able to manage it.

While Yomil thought that their relationship had been left unresolved, Daniela believed that the separation was final, but destiny took care to prove that the reggaeton singer was right this time.

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Deneb González.

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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