Emilio Frías responds to criticisms about his friendship with Alexander Abreu: "I don't believe he is in favor of communism."

The boy defended his friendship with Alexander Abreu over political thoughts.

The Cuban singer Emilio Frías answered questions about his friendship with the musician Alexander Abreu, who is accused of being a defender of the Havana regime.

"That's simple, and I believe that no one can judge me for that. I am not and have never been a friend of El Cangrejo, nor was I a friend of a colonel, nor was I a friend of someone who would hit people. I am a friend of an artist," defended the director of the group El Niño y La Verdad during an interview on the YouTube show El Bafletazo.

The boy made an analogy with political parties in the United States, to express that there can be different opinions and still maintain friendship above those political understandings.

"Most of the Cuban artists who have fallen into the trap of playing along with the dictatorship, redundant as it may be, are not truly aligned with them," he stated.

Frías confessed that if he ever found out that Alexander signed a letter supporting the imprisonment of someone, he would no longer look at him.

"I have never spoken to him about politics. I call him and say: 'What’s up, my man? How are you?' He came to the United States and said to me: 'Where are you? Shall we meet?' And I posted the photo. I don't hide," Frías added to his response.

Last April, the two artists met in the United States after two years without seeing each other. This meeting was immortalized with a photo of both of them on a yacht in the bay of Miami.

He asked me, 'Can we take a photo?' and I said, 'What are you talking about? Do you forget who I am?' I have nothing to hide, and that's what creates a bit of uncertainty in people and gives me the strength to keep being true in the midst of so much falsehood," the singer expressed about the memory of that encounter.

Regarding the behavior of artists in Cuba, his understanding was that many practice a double personality.

"When you have what's yours right there, you think, why would I get into trouble. That has been the thought of all Cubans throughout their lives, sir," he asserted.

Finally, regarding this question, Emilio Frías concluded: “Alexander Abreu is my friend, I don't know if I am his friend. I admire him as a trumpeter, as Havana de Primera, which is the largest popular music group there is. If he is in favor of communism, which I don't believe and I'm saying it here, I don't believe it, but that's my opinion, if he is in favor of it, he knows it's wrong.”

In the description of the photo published last April, El Niño assured: "Our feeling is the same and our love too. 'Cuban Music' is the reason and our union, in addition to a friendship of over 10 years. Me over here and you over there. In Cuba, it's Havana D'Primera. In Miami, it's El Niño y La Verdad."

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